Dakumarmachinery Co., Ltd, one member of SINO HOLDINGS GROUP, which is specialized inR&D, manufacturer, sale and service of plastic injection molding machinewith 5H. We have Dakumar-250 Servo motor inejction molding machine from 50T to 4000T.
Servo injectionmolding machine advantages:
1. It adopt ofhydraulic unit and used to high pressure and high speed injection molding
2. High speedresponse accumulator as a auxiliary power, using high sensitivityelectro-hydraulic servo valve, high precision displacement sensor to realizeinjection speed and injection pressure closed loop control.
3. Hydraulicsystem quickly response, high sensitivity, low noise
4. Adopt ofelectro-hydraulic type design, fully rational utilization of energy, low energyconsumption and high efficiency.
At present, servoinjection molding machine can divide to full hydraulic high speed machine, fullelectric high speed machine and electro-hydraulic high speed machine. Dakumaris now on developing the electro-hydraulic high speed machine.
Ourmachinery is widely used in different fields like food packaging, automotiveparts, home appliance, medical parts, household items for customers fromEuropean, American, Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc.
If you have demand in Dakumar250 Servomotor inejction molding machine, pls feel free to contact