To ensure high standard and good quality plastic thin wall molds, palstic IML mold design, plastic IML mold tooling technology and so on are very improtant. But basicly thin wall mold steel selection is also very cruical, just like basic foundation of skyscraper.
As known that plastic thin wall IML molds usually require high speed production. So on thin wall IML mold steel selection, we strongly recommodate our customers to choose DIN 2344 or Stavax S420 for thin wall IML mold cavity and mold cores.
Both of these two kind steels of plstic thin wall IML molds need tempered/heat treatments, to get mold steel with higher hardness. Commonly S420 after heat treatment would meet with HRC 42-45. Compared with these two steels, both satisfied with mass plastic IML prodution, but S420 is better on polishing than DIN2344. That is also the reason we strongly insist to use this steel for thin wall IML molds.
But why we need thin wall IML mold steel with HRC42-45 for mold cavity and mold core?
1.This is because higher hardness ensures high mold quality and long mold life.
2.If with less hardness, with long time mold operations, then you would have prodcut with thinner thickneek which is because the mold parting line is reduced.
3.Also if with less hardness, when mold running, it would easily have products with flashes.
4.If with higher hardness than HRC 52, it would be difficult to tooling, for instance difficult cnc millding and lath tooling
Deeply hope that all above thin wall IML mold steel selection points would help you when you developing new plastic IML molds.