Plastindia 2012 will be held in New Delhi from Feb.1st to 6th ,2012.Plastindia 2012 is the 8th International plastic Industry Exhibition &conference which will take place in India.
Plastindia exhibition is one of the largest professional exhibitions for plastic industry in the world. It is held every three years. The eminent growth of plastic industry in India has ensured consolidation and capacity expansion. Plastindia Exhibition includes all sections of the world plastic industry.
Major Exhibitor Groups for Plastindia 2012
Plastic packing machinery
Processing machinery
Quality control and testing Equipment
Extruding machinery
Injection molding machinery
Blow molding machinery
Raw material, Polymer &resins, Intermediates, thermosetting plastics
Chemicals, masterbatches, additives, colorants, fillers &reinforcements
Mould &dies
Auxiliary machines &instrumentation
Finished products & semi-finished products
Processing equipment for printing, plating, lamination, surface enhancement &decoration of plastics
The history of Plastindia Exhibition
Until 2009, Plastindia Exhibition was held for 7times. Plastindia 2009 is very successful. The volume of business reached to USD127,200,000 on the exhibition, and nearly 88% of visitors, 70% of exhibitors were satisfied with Plastindia 2009. At the same time, 90% of visitors and exhibitors are expecting to attend the 8th International plastic industry Exhibition &conference in India (Plastindia 2012). We believe in Plastindia 2012, there will have more than 1200 exhibitors from 35 countries and 1,000,000 visitors go together for the exhibition. Plastindia 2012 is a good chance for Chinese suppliers to develop the market in India and South Asia.
Plastindia exhibition will become more and more famous after every three years. Later we will expect for Plastindia 2015, Plastindia 2018…