PVC powder molding machine, PVC-O moulds and machines, U-PVC fitting machine supplier, PP-R fitting moulds and machines supplier, PPR connector molding service, PVC-O molding machines
SINO MOULD offer PVC powder molding machine. This machine also produce very good PVC fitting connectors suitable for PVC material and U-PVC powder material. PVC power molding machine can produce PVC connectors which adapted in PVC pipes and PVC-O pipes.
PVC-O pipes is made by PVC pipe fittings from the beginning, and after forming PVC pipes, they enter a special heating machine, and transformed by molding extension to be bigger diameter. After come out, PVC-O is formed. PVC and PVC-O are same material, they follow
1. ASTM D 1784 standard12454[ASTM(1)]
2. ANSI/NSF standard 61water qualify request [ANSI/NSF(2)]
3. PPI TR-3 (HDB),4000psi Piastics Pipe Institute(3)]
However, PVC-O is much more characters like:
1.7000psi of HDB,which is 80% higher than standard PVC
2.Anti-extension ability is higher 80% than standard PVC
3.anti-impect strength is four times higher than standard PVC
4.anti-crack ability increased
Compare to PVC, PVC-O is less weight, easier cutting and more acceptable for the environment. It also easier in handling with installation.
Therefore, more PVC-O pipes are used in construction industry. And as a result the PVC molding machines are needed by different plastic fitting connector manufactures in America countries.
SINO MOULD not only provide our customer with PVC powder molding machines, also export PVC-O molding lines, PVC-U extrusion molding lines and PVC pipe fitting connectors molding line for our customers.
Welcome your enquiry and technology discussion.
With all our support, you can start your plastic molding factory easy and quickly.
If you are interested, please contact commercial@cnmould.com