How to get a long life mould? Sometime people will choose to use very good mould steel to get a long life mould. To use a good material is one of the suitable ways. But the most important thing is regular plastic injection mould maintenance. Without regular plastic mould maintenance, the mould will stop work frequently and mould life will shorten greatly also.
Below are some tips for regular Mould maintenance, Maintain injection moulds, mould life, injection mold maintenance, plastic moulds maintenance, daily molds maintain.
1.Daily mould maintain
To add lubricating oil for moving parts, such as ejector pin, guide pin, guide bush
To clear the core/cavity surface
To check the cooling water
These should be done every day.
2.Regular mould maintenance
Besides Daily mould maintain, Regular mould maintenance is necessary. This including clear air venting slot, repairing wear parts, etc..
3.Mould surface maintenance
To paint anti-rust painting on mould surface to avoid rust on mould surface
The mould should be close tight incase dust go inside, etc..
Above are some basic suggestions for mould maintenance, if you want to know more. Please contact Sino Mould, a leading plastic moulds maker in China.
Cina(sales engineer)
Skype: sinomould-13