For plastic product ejection to occur,the injection mold must open the shape of the molded plastic product determines whether it can be ejected simply by opening the two mold halves or whether undercuts must be present.
The design of a injection mold is dictated primarily by the shape of the plastic productto be molded and the provisions necessary for product ejection.Injection-molded products can be classified as:
1. Products without undercuts(e.g.,plaques,strips,half-shells,cups).
2. Products with external undercuts or lateral openings
(e.g.,spools and bobbins,beverage crates, threaded bolts).
3. Products with internal undercuts(e.g.,threaded closures,housings).
4. Products with external and internal undercuts
(e.g., bumper fascias,electrical and antomotive instrument housing,cameras).
Post by: Charlene