Automobile locked-lid

Automobile locked-lid is one kind of the automatic instruments components, and it belongs to the interior parts. In the industry, automobile locked-lid depends on the automobile locked-lid mould to realize mass production. Automotive interior parts are mainly plastic parts. Thus, the quality of the Automobile locked-lid mould will directly influence the interior parts.

  • Characteristics of material:

    ABS always adopted as raw material of automobile locked-lid. Because ABS has high strength, heat stability, chemical stability, good flow ability, easy molding and small molding shrinkage and any other good characteristic. If we use ABS to produce automobile locked-lid, the product will have good stability and high surface quality.
  • Design pattern:

    Automobile locked-lid belongs to a small product which doesn’t require high dimensional precision. Therefore, it will be fit for mass production. In order to improve production efficiency, lower production cost of the mould, it will be good to design themould with four cavities. And the design points of the automobile locked-lid lie in the side core pulling mechanism of the lifter in the two grooves and slider core-pulling mechanism of the angle pin.

Welcome to Chinese professional plastic injection mould manufacturer——SinoMould. We have a full-equipped factory in Southeast of China, Huangyan. We have much experience in this field. If you are interested in our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us for molds and any other plastic molding service.
Poster: Jocelyn Xie